Description of 3DlexiaCosmos actions

30-31/10/2021 “MIND THE HEART of Dyslexia” Humanitarian Event by 3Dlexia Cosmos at Serafio Building, Athens Municipality, Greece

14/4/2021 SOS4Love Project Ambassadors Team from “i love dyslexia” EFL-School students with Dyslexia, SEN and mobility impairment Winners of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize, Greece 2021

March 2021 Honorary Collaboration of 3Dlexia Cosmos NGO and ‘i love dyslexia’ EFL school with UNESCO Paris Futures Literacy Laboratory (FLL) Department

March-May 2021: Honorary Official Protocols of Agreement for the Yidan Prize and the Global Teacher Prize Nominations

6/11/2020 3Dlexia Cosmos Online Live Event in the United Nations Geneva Peace Week 2020 and Digital Product submission

24/4/2020 Edu-Humanitarian Aid during Covid-19 to The Ministry of Education of Tucuman, Argentina

25-27/4/2019 3Dlexia Cosmos Official Partner of the 3rd International Congress of Tucuman, Argentina

December 2018 Aggeliki Pappa trained Ms Maria Aggelaki, volunteer of 3Dlexia Cosmos, with her 3Dlexia for English Method

21/04/2018 Presentation of the SOS4Love Project at the 2nd Panhellenic Conference ‘Education and Culture

07/11/2017-3DlexiaCosmos NPO and Biopolitics International Organisation Event ‘Pursuing Global Citizenship through Education for Peace’ in the United Nations-Geneva Peace Week 2017

08/11/2016 – Speech at the Palais de Nations, United Nations-Geneva during the Peace Week 2016 at the Scientific event

October 2016: Purchase of 3DlexiaCosmos domain names and registration of logo and trademark

October 2016: Collaboration with AIESEC International for youth empowerment programs

7/4/2016: First level 2-hour training of the first group of teachers in a holistic teaching program by 3DlexiaCosmos at Athens Science Festival

April 2016: About 100 students taught with the participation of teachers in a holistic 3DlexiaCosmos program HolisticWorkshops4 Schools at Athens Science Festival

February 2016: Actions for Establishment of the 1st 2 virtual classrooms in Eleonas-Refugee-Camp-Athens

October 2016: volunteer participation in teacher training program for English language teachers from Greece teaching in refugee camps and classes, in collaboration with the American Embassy in Greece

2016: Preparation and formation of a MasterMind group of educators from all over Greece and the formation of a management and administrative team of 3DlexiaCosmos

January-October 2016: 5 talks at various locations in Greece (Thessaloniki, Crete, Athens) with the participation of about 1000 people in total, on the topic of ‘The 10 Steps of Educational Leadership that Can Change the World’

2016-Today Regional Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete, Supervisor Eleni Poulla, Head Coordinator of all EFL Department of Crete Public Education