The Holistic 3Dlexia Edu-Paradigm
Adopted in the development of cycles of programs for learners, educators and citizens, is expanded and described with the following 11 educational parameters: • Holistic Education in 3DlexiaCosmos-a definition (Singleton, 2015): Head, Heart & Hands (body) educational model for transformative learning. This model is conceptualised from a synthesis of diverse literature that supports eco-literacy (Orr, 1992) that relates the expanded cognitive domain (head), to critical reflection, the expanded affective domain (heart) to relational knowing and the psycho-motor domain, the active use and meaningful engagement of learned models (hands-body) (Singleton, 2015). A kind of education to facilitate and support towards the wellbeing of individuals and society through proactive, theory, research and practice, focusing on the integration of intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions of experience (Holistic Education Special Interest Group Newsletter, Winter 2005, p.1) The model not only represents the multidimensional nature of transformative processes, it also includes the importance of learning context, as a framework of authentic experience for deeper reflection, sense of belonging and body/sensory stimulation.