6-9/12/2019 Aggeliki Pappa in WAR ZONE & Schools in SDEROT, Israel
6-9/12/2019 Aggeliki Pappa in WAR ZONE & Schools in SDEROT, Israel,1 Kilometer from GAZA, for SOS4Love Project. Visit to Oshrit Sabag, Sha’ar Hanegev High School, Bomb Shelter School empowering Peace Actions with SDGs and SOS4Love Project…

4/10/2019 SOS4Love Project Season 3
4/10/2019 SOS4Love Project Season 3: Acting on SDGs and connecting 65 countries, Oshrit Sabag, Sha’ar Hanegev High School – 30, Bomb Shelter School, Sderot 2 schools in Tucuman Argentina for Pedagogy4Love with the SOS4Love Goes to Space…

25-27/4/2019 3Dlexia Cosmos Official Partner of the 3rd International Congress of Tucuman, Argentina
25-27/4/2019 3Dlexia Cosmos Official Partner of the 3rd International Congress of Tucuman, Argentina with the participation of more than 50.000 teachers. Aggeliki Pappa signed an Official Protocol of Agreement with the Minister of Education…

December 2018 Aggeliki Pappa trained Ms Maria Aggelaki, volunteer of 3Dlexia Cosmos, with her 3Dlexia for English Method
December 2018 Aggeliki Pappa trained Ms Maria Aggelaki, volunteer of 3Dlexia Cosmos, with her 3Dlexia for English Method, offering her innovative Tools and five iPads to the non- profit organisation VPBali so as Maria to teach in BALI children…

22/04/2018 Presentation of the SOS4Love Project
22/04/2018 Presentation of the SOS4Love Project by volunteers of 3DlexiaCosmos NPO and students and teacher of ‘i love dyslexia’ EFL School at Elpidos 2030’ event supporting the SDGs, coordinated by the Hellenic Platform for Development,…

21/04/2018 Presentation of the SOS4Love Project at the 2nd Panhellenic Conference ‘Education and Culture
21/04/2018 Presentation of the SOS4Love Project at the 2nd Panhellenic Conference ‘Education and Culture: Relations and perspectives’ organised by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete in collaboration with…

15/01/2018 & 10/2018-Season 1 & Season 2 of the SOS4Love Project
15/01/2018 & 10/2018-Season 1 & Season 2 of the SOS4Love Project connecting more than a hundred thousand students from 58 countries and all continents with the WETheONE4SDGs through actions on all of the 17 Goals of Sustainable Development…

07/11/2017-3DlexiaCosmos NPO and Biopolitics International Organisation Event ‘Pursuing Global Citizenship through Education for Peace’ in the United Nations-Geneva Peace Week 2017
07/11/2017-3DlexiaCosmos NPO and Biopolitics International Organisation Event ‘Pursuing Global Citizenship through Education for Peace’ in the United Nations-Geneva Peace Week 2017, launching SOS4Love Project and 3Dlexia Paradigm on a global…

08/11/2016 – Speech at the Palais de Nations, United Nations-Geneva during the Peace Week 2016 at the Scientific event
08/11/2016 – Speech at the Palais de Nations, United Nations-Geneva during the Peace Week 2016 at the Scientific event: “Educating for Peace” organised by Hellenic Association of Political Scientists-HAPSc. Aggeliki Pappa as an honorary…

October 2016: Purchase of 3DlexiaCosmos domain names and registration of logo and trademark
October 2016: Purchase of 3DlexiaCosmos domain names and registration of logo and trademark, establishment of a legal entity with physical headquarters in Halandri, Athens – Greece.