TEACHERS! SIGN UP to Mission AGAPE Round 2 (Agape means higher Love in ancient Greece) by the SOS4love Project of 3DlexiaCosmos, starting on the 15th October to 30th December 2023 initiated by students with the gift of dyslexia. Connect and empower students globally to act on the UN Goals 16 & 4 Peace and Education. We aim at helping students see the Earth from Space without borders, feel the interconnectedness of everything, cultivate them the ethos of the Cosmo-Astronauts in the ISS who manage to collaborate in peace up un space even in time of war on Earth, and help them be the leaders of Peace for a New Earth of AGAPE.
SIGN up LINK at https://www.sos4loveproject.com/sign-up-to-join-sos4love to receive for free our innovative space-inspired SDGs tools:
1) 3 interactive games on the UN SDGs to help students discover and enhance their knowledge playfully on the UN SDGs – the Link to download for free on Androids the augmented reality App ‘Sos4loveProject Goes to Space for SDGs’ and take photos with your augmented reality astronauts carrying your message for Peace in the world
2) the updated innovative digital Tool Kit “Act like a Cosmo-Astronaut for a new Earth of Peace and Higher Love” to connect with the Big Picture of the Cosmos, feel the interconnection of Everything, see the Earth from Space and act with the ethos and skills of the Cosmo-Astronauts in the ISS on Earth, creating together the new world of Peace and AGAPE our children deserve
3) The Link of the Augmented Reality Astronauts App ‘SOS4love Project Goes to Space for SDGs’ (only for android)
4) both Teachers and Students Certificates by 3Dlexia Cosmos honored to be endorsed by ESA, UN, European Parliament, Ministry of Education of Tucuman Argentina upon completion of the Mission Agape requirements by teachers
With our collective energy and consistent actions in the frequency of Higher LOVE, we can make the vision of A New Earth of Peace for All, Possible!